For visitors at Dominion Hospital
Visiting our hospital
Visiting your loved one in our hospital is an important aspect of their healing journey. We want your visit to be pleasant, so we invite you to learn more about our visitor policies and services.
Information for our visitors
Dominion Hospital is committed to keeping you informed, and continuing to best serve our patients and community. Please be assured that we continue to follow the guidance of HCA Healthcare and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to keep our healthcare community safe. As part of our continued efforts, and in addition to other COVID-19 safety precautions, Dominion Hospital continues to maintain the practice of limiting the total number of visitors in the facility each day.
Child and Adolescent Units
- Youth patients are allowed one adult (age 18 and older) visitor every other day, and one guardian at time of discharge.
- Visitation hours for the Child Unit are 6:30pm – 8:00pm and visitation hours for the Adolescent Unit are 6:15pm – 7:15pm.
- Visitors of youth patients registered with last names A – M will visit on odd days of the month.
- Visitors of youth patients registered with last names N – Z will visit on even days of the month.
- The Child Unit is also offering extended telephone time during the following days and times: every day from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, Monday – Friday from 10:00am – 12:00pm and Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 1:00pm – 2:00pm. During phone time, individuals will be allowed to receive two (2) incoming calls no more than 10 minutes each, and are also allowed to make one outgoing call that is not more than 10 minutes each.
- The Adolescent Unit is also offering extended telephone times, with calls occurring every day 12:30pm – 1:15pm, 6:00pm – 7:15pm, and 8:00pm – 8:30pm. During telephone time, individuals will be allowed to make and receive calls that are no longer than 10 minutes long.
Adult Unit
- Adult Unit patients are allowed one adult (age 18 and older) visitor during each visit. No rotating visitors will be allowed.
- Visitation hours for the Adult Unit is 5:00pm – 6:00pm in the 1st floor cafeteria.
- Visitors of Adult unit patients registered with last names A – G will visit on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
- Visitors of Adult unit patients registered with last names H – P will visit on Wednesdays and Sundays.
- Visitors of Adult unit patients registered with last names Q – Z will visit on Thursdays and Mondays.
- Visitation is restricted for the first 24 hours after admission to allow for your loved one to get settled onto the unit and overcome any acute challenges they may be facing.
Reflections Unit
- Reflections youth visitation is every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00pm – 8:00pm and on Saturday/Sunday 2:30pm – 4:30pm. Reflections allows for two visitors at a time which may include a sibling age 9 or older with a parent. Exceptions may be made when part of an individualized treatment plan and arranged in advance.
- Reflections adult weekday visitation is each Wednesday from 7:00pm – 8:00pm (up to two visitors at a time), and virtual visitation on Thursdays from 7:00pm – 8:00pm. Adult weekend visitation is Saturday for beds 212 A and 214 A, 2:30pm – 4:30pm and Sunday for beds 212 B and 214 B 2:30pm – 4:30pm (up to two visitors at a time).
TraumaSci Unit
- Rooms 217-223 A Beds - Tuesdays & Saturdays 4:00pm – 5:00pm, 1 visitor per patient.
- Rooms 217-223 B Beds - Thursdays & Sundays 4:00pm – 5:00pm, 1 visitor per patient.
In addition to staggered visitation, we continue to restrict outside food from being brought into our facility. Visitors are NOT permitted to bring in outside food during visitatitim at any other times. Communal eating, where individuals are unable to remain properly masked, has been proven to be one of the greatest risks for COVID-19 viral transmission.
These enhanced safety measures are intended to limit the number of visitors on the units each day, to increase our ability to maintain physical distancing, to most effectively enforce our universal masking requirements, and to cut down on potential patient and staff exposure to individuals who may transmit the COVID-19 virus.
Dominion Hospital is honored to be able to continue to serve our patients, families, and community during these challenging times, and remains steadfast in our responsibility to maintain a safe, healthy, and healing environment.
Visiting hours at our hospital
Certain holidays have special visiting hours, including Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Please inquire with staff about changes in the visiting hours for any upcoming holidays.
Visitation restrictions
Circumstances may allow for specific exceptions to any visitation restrictions described on this webpage. Those circumstances include religious visitation as well as a designated support person for a patient with a disability to provide assistance with communication or other necessary components of the patient's treatment. All persons entering under an exception remain subject to appropriate infection control protocols.
Can my loved one's therapist visit?
Outside therapists or psychiatrists may call or visit, but only with a written order from the attending psychiatrist. If the patient is 17 years old or younger, a family member must provide the outside specialist’s name and phone number and a signed release allowing communication.
Can a clergy member visit?
Members of clergy may visit at any time. We ask that a call to the unit be placed first to arrange the best time to visit for that day.
What do I do when I arrive?
You must register at the front desk in the main lobby. Our security staff will conduct a brief search of items to be taken to the unit at this time. You will get a visitor badge, which you must wear during your visit. You may be asked to show your badge when exiting secure areas of the hospital.
What shouldn't I bring?
Cell phones, iPads, cameras, recording devices or other electronics are NOT permitted on the unit. Our security staff will ask you to place these items in a locker or return these items to your car before coming up to the unit. Do not bring bulky coats or bags onto the unit, and do not leave personal belongings unattended while on the unit.
Will our visit be supervised?
Not all visits are supervised, but staff will be available. If the individual requires intense supervision, visiting arrangements will be organized and monitored by nursing staff.
What should I do at the end of my visit?
You must say goodbye while you are in the unit. Your loved one will not be permitted to accompany you to the front desk or the door. You will be asked to return your visitor badge when exiting the hospital.
Visitor conduct
Any visitor appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to visit and may be directed off the premises. Profanity or aggressiveness of any kind will not be tolerated.
Conversation tips for your visit
Visiting a loved one in the hospital can be tough under any circumstances. You may not even know what to say. This advice is designed to help you and your family best support your child or teenager during your visit.
- Keep conversation topics light — your loved one may look okay, but remember inside they may be struggling during this time of healing and change.
- Use this time to be supportive. Let your loved one know that you are there for them and try to engage in fun activities.
- Bring pictures from home to share of family, pets and positive changes to their home environment.
- Refrain from being confrontational during this time or telling them about potential life changes that could impact them directly, such as moving or changing schools. This information is best shared during family therapy sessions.
- Allow the treatment team to share when your loved one will discharge, and avoid making promises about when they will come home.