Contact us
Questions? We can help.
Use the contact us form at the bottom of page for billing and insurance questions, medical records transfers or requests, feedback and more. You can also find a phone directory of all departments in our hospital below.
Dominion Hospital
Get directionsPhone directory
- Accounting (non-patient): (703) 538-2889
- Accounting (patient billing): (866) 823-7612
- Administration: (703) 538-2871
- Admissions/First Step counselors: (703) 538-2872
- Adolescent PHP Chantilly Nursing Station: (703) 227-8180
- Adolescent PHP Falls Church Nursing Station: (703) 227-8186
- Adolescent Unit Nursing Station: (703) 531-6130
- Adult Unit Nursing Station: (703) 531-6120
- Adult/TraumaSci PHP Nursing Station: (703) 720-5500
- Child Unit Nursing Station: (703) 531-6131
- Directions line: (703) 531-6167
- Main phone line: (703) 536-2000
- Engineering: (703) 531-6110
- HCA Healthcare ethics and compliance hotline: (800) 455-1996
- Human resources/employment verification: (703) 538-2883
- Medical director: (703) 538-2876
- Medical records: (703) 531-6105
- Medical staff office: (703) 531-6106
- Nursing administration: (703) 538-2875
- Patient access service: (703) 531-6102
- Public relations: (703) 689-9030
- TraumaSci Unit Nursing Station: (703) 531-6161
Request medical records
You may request a transfer of medical records by printing and completing the Release of Protected Health Information form. When requesting behavioral health records, patients who are 14 years of age or older must also sign the form.
Media contact
Please direct media questions to Suzanne Kelly, our media contact, via email or by phone, (703) 307-3297.