Contact us
TriCities Hospital
Phone directory
- Administration: (804) 541-7413
- Case Management: (804) 452-3638
- Cashier: (804) 541-7739
- Colonial Heights Surgery Center: (804) 520-8272
- Emergency Department: (804) 541-7504
- Emergency Department Registration: (804) 541-7500
- Ethics and Compliance Officer: (804) 452-3663
- Gift Shop: (804) 541-7720
- Health Information Officer: (804) 541-7454
- Human Resources: (804) 541-7477
- Infection Control: (804) 541-7418
- Information Desk:(804) 541-7537
- Laboratory: (804) 541-7510
- Mammography: (804) 541-7439
- Marketing: (804) 483-1801
- Medical Records: (804) 541-7538
- Nursing Office: (804) 541-7404
- Oncology Services: (804) 452-3340
- Pastoral Care: (804) 541-7431
- Pathology: (804) 541-7521
- Patient Access: (804) 541-7546
- Patient Relations: (804) 541-7407
- Patient Safety: (804) 452-3828
- Pharmacy: (804) 541-7445
- Privacy Officer: (804) 541-7794
- Radiology: (804) 541-7593
- Rehabilitation Services: (804) 541-7462
- Volunteer Services: (804) 541-7417
- Wellness Pavilion (adult): (804) 541-7747
- Wellness Pavilion (military): (804) 452-3860
- Wellness Pavilion Outpatient Services: (804) 452-3891
Contact us
We welcome your questions, calls and emails. You can also send us a message by using the contact form below.
Billing Office hours are from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Billing inquiries can be made to the billing office at (804) 675-5440.