Register online for an appointment
You may register on arrival or register online in advance to save time at check-in.
Begin to register online
Please note that at LewisGale Medical Center, there are two options for preregistration. Below you will find details about which option you should choose.
Register Online for OB/Maternity Patients (including Cesarean Section patients), Outpatient Procedure patients (MRI, Nuclear Medicine, CTs, etc.) and Mammography Patients To rgister online for the procedures above, you’ll need to have the following information at hand:
- Name of ordering physician
- Date of your scheduled procedure
- All active insurance cards
- Employer information
Complete the online registration and mammogram scheduling forms at least three business days prior to your scheduled appointment. For privacy reasons, if you leave your computer idle for more than 20 minutes, your form will not be saved and you will have to begin again.
Register online
To register online at LewisGale Hospital Pulaski, sign in using your MyHealthONE® account.
Registration help
Have questions or need help with registration? Call (540) 994-8500
Schedule a Mammogram
You can now schedule a screening mammogram online. For assistance scheduling your screening or diagnostic mammogram please call 540-994-8509.
You can now schedule a screening mammogram online. For assistance scheduling your screening or diagnostic mammogram please call 540-994-8509.