Contact us
Questions? We can help.
You may use our phone directory to contact any department in our hospital. You may also use the contact form for billing and insurance questions, medical record transfers and feedback.
Retreat Doctors' Hospital
2621 Grove Ave.
Richmond, VA 23220
Main phone number: (804) 254-5100
Contact billing
Our billing office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Billing inquiries can be made by calling (804) 267-3900.
Contact our patient advocate
If you have a concern or compliment regarding your care, please contact our patient advocate.
Our Patient Advocate can be reached at (804) 747-5689.
Phone directory
- Administration: (804) 254-5101
- Admissions: (804) 254-5147
- Cardiac rehabilitation: (804) 254-5514
- Class registration: (804) 330-4000
- Complex care program: (804) 254-9891
- Diabetes resource center: (804) 254-9859
- Fiscal services: (804) 267-5700
- Human resources: (804) 254-5220
- Laboratory: (804) 254-5160
- Nursing administration: (804) 254-5150
- Patient information: (804) 254-5100
- Physical therapy: (804) 254-5586
- Radiology: (804) 254-5400