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Read on for information regarding how to contact the different departments that make up our hospital.
Johnston-Willis Hospital
Phone directory
- Admitting/atrium registration: (804) 483-6271
- Admitting/central registration: (804) 483-5048
- Admitting/surgery center registration: (804) 483-6054
- Breast screening: (804) 327-8706
- Campus lactation services: (804) 483-6342
- Cancer center: (804) 483-5034
- Cancer registry office: (804) 483-5286
- Cardiac rehabilitation: (804) 483-5018
- Cardiac stress lab: (804) 483-5018
- Cardiovascular services: (804) 483-5020
- Central sterile supply: (804) 483-6964
- Clinical lab: (804) 483-5154
- Cuddler program: (804) 483-6350
- Day rehabilitation: (804) 483-6510
- Emergency department: (804) 483-6000
- Employee health: (804) 483-5080
- Endoscopy: (804) 483-6148
- Engineering: (804) 483-5090
- Genetic testing/counseling — breast cancer: (804) 483-5033
- Genetic testing/counseling — colon cancer: (804) 483-6247
- Genetic testing/counseling — endometrial cancer: (804) 483-6247
- Genetic testing/counseling — ovarian cancer: (804) 483-5033
- Hawthorne Cancer Resource Center: (804) 483-6136
- Health information/medical records: (804) 483-5051
- Human resources: (804) 483-5083
- Information: (804) 330-2000
- Inpatient oncology unit: (804) 483-6240
- Interventional Radiology & Neurovascular Center: (804) 483-5398
- Laboratory customer service: (804) 483-5355
- Laboratory services: (804) 483-5154
- Lymphedema program: (804) 483-5182
- Main campus: (804) 483-5000
- Mammography: (804) 483-6286
- Maternal/infant unit: (804) 483-6330
- Medical staff services: (804) 483-6041
- Neuroscience & Gamma Knife Center — stroke coordinator: (804) 483-6205
- Neuroscience & Gamma Knife Center — stroke peer visitor program: (804) 483-6205
- Neuroscience & Gamma Knife Center — stroke support group: (804) 483-6557
- Neuroscience & Gamma Knife Center: (804) 483-6206
- Nuclear medicine: (804) 483-5888
- Nursing administration: (804) 483-6198
- Nutrition services: (804) 483- 5127
- Occupational therapy: (804) 483-6045
- Oncology clinical nurse specialist: (804) 483-6247
- Oncology clinical social worker: (804) 483-6048
- Oncology research nurse coordinators: (804) 483-5199
- Order a brick for the Survivor's Reflection Garden: (804)-483-6136
- Outpatient & adaptive driving: (804) 483-6045
- Outpatient infusion: (804) 483-6250
- Pastoral care/chaplain: (804) 483-5072
- Patient information: (804) 483-5119
- Patient relations (comments, complaints, etc.): (804) 483-1234
- Patient rooms: (804) 483-9 + room number
- Perinatology center: (804) 483-5827
- Pharmacy - inpatient: (804) 483-5104
- Pharmacy - outpatient: (804) 483-6910
- Physical therapy: (804) 483-6045
- Pre-Admission testing: (804) 483-5314
- Quality management: (804) 483-6077
- Radiation oncology: (804) 483-5164
- Radiology: X-ray: (804) 483-5172
- Rehabilitation unit: (804) 483-6510
- Respiratory care: (804) 483-6465
- Speech therapy: (804) 483-6055
- Supply chain: (804) 483-5800
- Support groups: (804) 483-6136
- Surgery center: (804) 483-6054
- Surgical services: (804) 483-6111
- Volunteer services: (804) 483-5081
- Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Johnston-Willis Hospital: (804) 483-5034
You may also use our contact us form for billing and insurance questions, medical records transfer or request, feedback and more.